Scholarship Opportunities

Below is a small sample of scholarship opportunities available to students. Seniors can find comprehensive and detailed information on more scholarship opportunities in Mrs. Carrillo's College Center Google Classroom.

It is strongly recommended parents communicate with their child about their college application process and scholarship opportunities on a weekly basis. Information on college admissions, financial aid, and scholarships will be found in the student's College Center Google Classroom.

It is the student's responsibility to check application deadlines and monitor Google Classroom announcements.

Failing to complete college, scholarship, and financial aid applications in a timely manner and
failure to check emails/messages may result in loss of grants, scholarships, and/or college acceptances.

Students are required to provide a resume to their recommender and provide at least two weeks notice before an application deadline.
Recommenders have the right to refuse to write a letter if provided with less than two weeks notice.

Merit-Based Scholarships

Need-Based Scholarships